Soulful Connections with Lucy Abbott Tucker: An Experience of Community, Sharing and Spiritual Growth for Spiritual Companions

With Lucy Abbot Tucker

November 14 - 17, 2024

Location: Genesis Spritual Life & Conference Center

Address: 53 Mill Street, Westfield, MA, USA

  • $395.00 – Three Night Option
  • $325.00 – Two Night Option
  • $245.00 – One Night Option
  • $95.00 – Friday Commuter Option
  • $95.00 – Saturday Commuter Option
  • $175.00 – Two Day Commuter Option

Join Lucy Abbott Tucker for a Spiritual Director/Companion’s Retreat

Co-sponsored by

  • Spiritual Life Center
  • Genesis Spiritual Life & Conference Center

November 14 – 17, 2024

As Spiritual Companions, we know how important it is to take time to replenish our own spiritual cup. This retreat, led by spiritual companion, author and educator, Lucy Abbott Tucker, will offer deep enrichment designed specifically for the unique needs of spiritual companions/ directors. Together we’ll explore:

  • how our understanding of God changes as we grow in age, grace, and wisdom
  • how to listen and attend to ourselves and our directees as we sit with the pain of the world
  • our seekers’ spiritual journeys with peaks and valleys, knowing and not knowing, believing and doubting

The retreat is arranged in a flexible way that allows for commuter, single-day, and overnight options.


Thursday evening, November 14th
Fireside Chat:  Has God Changed or is it Me?
As we grow in age and grace and wisdom our understanding of God changes.  Often this is accompanied by confusion and occasionally fear.  There is also a sense of excitement over what we now know.  This evening is devoted to conversation about our journey on this road of change and discovery.

Friday, November 15th
9:00 – 4:00
Being with the pain of the world.
We live in our world that is beset with problems and issues – violence, political issues, environmental concerns, division, to name just a few.  These can be called issues of trauma.  This day will be devoted to looking at trauma within the context of the spiritual direction conversation.  How do I listen and attend to myself as I cope with these issues?  How do I listen and attend to my directees as they share their concerns regarding such life issues?

Saturday, November 16th
9:00 – 4:00
The Spiritual Journey:  Desire, Resistance and Occasionally Stubbornness.
We like to think that the spiritual journey moves from one degree of holiness to another – a little like climbing a ladder.  Actually, the journey is full of peaks and valleys, knowing and not knowing, believing and doubting.  How do spiritual directors listen and attend to all of these moments in the spiritual journey?  What makes it “good” spiritual direction?  What helps me to be faithful to myself and to the ministry?

 Overnight and commuter options.

  • $395 per person for 3 overnights including all programs. Begin with supper on Thursday, 11/14 followed by a fireside chat with Lucy. End with breakfast on Sunday, 11/17.
  • $325 for 2 overnights including all programs. Begin with supper on Thursday, 11/14,  followed by a fireside chat with Lucy. Ends after program on Saturday, 11/16.
  • $245 per person for 1 overnight and Friday and Saturday programs. Includes Friday 11/15 overnight accommodation, Friday lunch and supper; Saturday breakfast and lunch.
  • $95 per day for commuter including lunch, available on Friday 11/15 and/or Saturday 11/16.
  • $175 for two-day commuter including lunch

Location: Genesis Spiritual Life Center 53 Mill Street, Westfield, MA 01085

Time: 9:00 – 4:00 for daytime sessions.

Check-in information will be provided. Overnight option assumes single occupancy with a shared hallway bathroom.

About the Leader

Lucy Abbot Tucker

Lucy Abbott Tucker has worked in adult formation and the preparation of people for the ministry of spiritual direction for the past thirty-six years. She worked for many years at the Institute for Spiritual Leadership in Chicago including the position of Executive Director and President of the Board of Directors. Lucy has been active in […]

Learn more about Lucy Abbot Tucker

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